Archive for December, 2009


Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

Medellin, Colombia, december 30th 2009

Just before Xmas I’ve returned to ‘the city of eternal spring’, Medellin by plane from Santiago. Ever since I left Medellin in september I kept in touch with my love, Diana. Despite all internet difficulties of trying to keep in touch, our contact became more intense with time & distance. So I decided to spend Xmas and New years Eve together. Se here I am, living togeher with my love in a tiny but very sweet apartment in Medellin surrounded by cousins, nieces, aunts, brothers & stepfamily. Love it!

I will also use this time for preparations for the final leg of the roadtrip. Deciding about the route, bankmatters, bike parts, e mail and so on. To my surpise my Bolivian angel also sent me a mail, in the days after my nighttime mountain adventure in the south of Bolivia I asked myself wether I had dreamed her up.

The bike, El Libertador, is safe in Santiago in the garden of on ald house next to a 1954 Chevy. Kiwi Dave and his men keep a watchful eye on her.

The picture is taken in the Atacama desert, about 50 miles south from Antofagasta, Chile and 150 miles from the next gas station.

Wish eveybody a superb and healthy 2010.

Thanks for taking intrest in my writings and website!


Saturday, December 12th, 2009

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Bolivian angel

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009
Bolivian angel

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Salt desert

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Uyuni, Bolivia, november 30th 2009

Today from Potosi to Uyuni, 210 km off road, took me 8 hours. Left with 6 bikes in total (Auke & Marieke, both XT 600, Dylan (Austr) & Fiona (GB) on Kawa KLR 650 and Chris and August from California both on Suzuki DR 400). Tomorrow we head out to the salt desert, from there on to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile. Will take 5 days more or less. More as 500 km offroad, no cities. So have to take a long a lot of stuff, 32 liters of gas, a few lietrs of oil & water, food. SO hopefullt next message from Chile, so long & hasta la vista baby!