Miranda, Colombia october 4th 2009
Sorry folks, translation will follow a.s.a.p.
jan gerben
Medellin, Colombia, september 21st 2009
‘What do you think of Colombia?’ asks the motorcycle cop at the Esso station. ‘Well the country is really, really beautiful as far as I’ve seen it, the people are open and friendly, so all good’. ‘Where to and from where?’. ‘Cartagena, to Medellin, via Cali to Quito, Ecuador’. He gives me a chance to just brabble on, which I do when I can, about the roadtrip, the bike, the wheather or now about Cartagena. I keep it positive. ‘Beautiful city but also a lot of street hassle at night’. ‘I can’t walk the streets at night without being asked what kind of drugs I want to buy’. I don’t particularly like that. The cop understands. i can’t tell him about Mick & Marcus, two Ozzies who were also on the catamaran from Panama to Cartagena. Walking with their backpacks from one hotel to another they got stopped by a police car and got searched. Unfortunately Mick had something on him. To the police station. Questioned and threatened to go to jail. Being accoused of possession leads to a quick trial on which you have to wait in between 6 to 8 weeks, in jail. The cop shows the handcuffs to put some theatre to his nonsense. After emptying their wallets (some odd 200 USD) and handing over goodies, iPod, mobile phone, their credit cads can stay where they are. They can go now, the cops are satisfied. Mick was an obvious target, blonde rasta hair, big red sunglasses, cowboy hat and above all, always a friendly smile. Similar happened to me in San Jose, When barhopping on my own, I used the same taxi driver to bring me from one to another. The barkeepers phone him. Waiting outside a club in a no to nice neighbourhood, from out of nowhere two cops show up. They don’t believe I don’t possess some drugs. Spread eagle to the wall, and again questioned. The just don’t want to believe it. The cab driver is waiting and they let me go.
After Cartgena we end up in Planeta Rica, a small town along the beautiful road to Medellin. A typical roadside place, trucks passing by all the time, some restaurants and for us a nice little hotel downtown. Next morning before I loeave and want to change shirt. I forgot the low ceiling and the fan, I hit it full. My left hand bleeds allover. Although it is only 2 meters to the bathroom, I keep my hand in the sink to let it coll off, the bathroom looks like a scene from Scarface. By motorcycle taxi (125cc single cilinder Suzuki) I go to a private hospital fo a speedy treatment. The doctor puts me on a brancard and sews my finger together, without sedation and loaded with pills (anti-biotics, painkillers, ant-swelling) I go back, Maria Louisa (eyes to drown in) the reception girl, acts like my private nurse, cleaning my hand two times a day. Not a good day for driving.
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, september 14th 2009
Work in progress, landed in Cartagena, loads of stories to tell but short of time. For now just this short message. Tuesday will be going to the mountains, coca & coffee, to Medellin and from there on to Cali and the border with Equador, will take a few days.
Stories, pictures will follow, promise.
Just a very short update, arrived tuesday in Panama City, great ride, still on the road with Marcus, loads of rain in the mountains after San Jose, border crossing sunday just sweet. Met up downtown Panama with Tony and Andy (England, BMW GS), Mannfred (Germany, BMW GS), Marcus (Canada, Kawasaki KLR 650) and Wallis (Canada, Ural with sidecar). Wednesday we met Fritz, agreed he will load our bikes on his catamaran, Fritz the Cat on saturday. We sail on sunday from the Caribean, via San Blas to Cartegena, Colombia. Expect to arrive there on saturday