Granada, Nicaragua, april 14th 2009
Still in Nicaragua. The week before Easter is not a good week to travel since the entire country has a week off and runs to the coast or the lakes. I decided to go to the mountains. Away from craziness and (over-)loads of people. Good choice. Took a local friend along on the back of my bike and went north. In the mountains it´s somewhat cooler, especially at night. Great riding, roads are almost all excellent. The only worry was finding a restaurant that´s open.
It was also great to be on the road again. In my head there´s a lot of confusion going on. the things I experience and see over here are so totally different from my Western mindset that my moral compass needs some calibrating. Prostitution, drug dealing, abuse of woman and children, poverty, it´s all out here to see. Maybe beacause I am not a passerby that I experience it, but still, I don´t like it, hate it, but is it wrong? That used to be an easy question but over here the (moral) lines between good & bad are not easy to draw. Is prostitution wrong when you can feed your kids by doing that because there are no jobs and you got your first kid at 17 or 18 beacause the church dictates a strict anti anti-conception policy and the father has moved on in true all present macho-style to another party & girlfriend? There are a lot of different questions going on in my head on these kind of problems. Next days I will either flee for them by going on the road down south or chew on it some more and calibrate my moral compass again.
For the full text please use Google Translator on the Dutch text, thanks.